Saturday, September 6, 2014

A Gift for Nolan

Marina's cousin Nolan was celebrating his first birthday 2 weeks ago, so we bought him a Sophie Giraffe. My sister had it on her baby registry and left it on Nolan's wishlist. I knew no one would buy it thinking it was too small a gift (or too expensive for a teething toy, or whatever). My sister was more excited about getting it than Nolan. I think that's what first birthdays are more about anyway, getting toys mom wants baby to have.

I didn't have any baby appropriate wrapping paper, so I had Marina color a sheet of brown Kraft paper to wrap his gift.

For Marina it's all about the process.

 The final result tied with some colorful raffia.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

A Crayon, A Piece of Paper and A Baby

About a month ago I decided to let Marina try drawing with crayons. I've never let her use crayons up to this point because everything she held always automatically went into her mouth. She started to get the hang of it before deciding to try and eat them. Then I put the crayons away.